Monday, October 16, 2006

Oxford and Road Trip?

So it's still not 100%, but I think I'm gonna get to go to Oxford next semester. I'm starting to get really excited about travelling, and that's all I can think about. The plan is to leave December 15th, the day after I'm done with finals for Fall Semester. Then my family will meet up with me December 20th, and we'll spend Christmas together in the UK. Then my family will leave and I'll stay the semester. Since I have a wedding to go to on May 12th (also my 21st birthday), I'm planning to come back around May 9th.

After I get back, I really want to visit my college friends in their home states. That means, hopefully, a trip to Northern California, Oregon, (maybe Washington too?), Colorado, Texas and anywhere in between. If you know of any places I might be able to stay, let me know please!

Anyway, that's an update of my current travel plans. They might change, but please tell me if you're going to be travelling in any close proximity to me during the next 6 or 8 months.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You can come stay in Texas.....Plano Texas I will bring you to all the cool hang outs....the rodeo...taco bueno...the local know all of this things that you joke with me about...I will take you there...I miss your face.